Attendance Matters! As we wrap up the first 9 weeks we just want to give a shout out to students, staff and parents for making attendance a priority. The data shows big improvements this year. Great job everyone!
11 months ago, Marianne Cole
As we wrap up this first 9 weeks- we just want to give a shout out to the students, staff and parents for making attendance a priority this year. The data shows a difference. We know students can't learn is they aren't at school. Attendance Matters! Way to go everyone!
11 months ago, Marianne Cole
Buses will dismiss 10-15 minutes earlier this afternoon. A weather front is moving into the area around 5:00 this afternoon and we want to ensure everyone is home safely. Please anticipate the buses arriving at your home a few minutes early. Thank you
about 1 year ago, Mike Roberts
Important Information before attending Open House. When completing registration forms in the PowerSchool Parent Portal, check the "submission status." All forms need to say submitted or approved. If you have a form that says "not submitted," you need to complete and submit that form asap! Please make sure all forms are completed before coming to open house on August 1. Please contact the school if you need help.
about 1 year ago, Heard County School System
BOE to consider FY24 Budget
over 1 year ago, Marianne Cole
FY24 Budget
Registration for next year is now open for returning students. Please log in to your Powerschool parent portal account ( or use your Powerschool App on your phone. If you forgot your password, please choose the forgot password link and it will email you directions. Click on FORMS. Contact your school if you are having trouble with your parent account. These early registration forms are due May 5, 2023. You will need to complete a few additional forms at Open House. Once forms are submitted, you will see Submitted and Pending Approval.
over 1 year ago, Heard County School System
register now
Bus routes have begun 8 minutes early and the buses will be minus some children so please expect your children home earlier than normal.
over 1 year ago, Rodney Kay
Bus routes at this point are still on normal schedule and we will adjust as needed. It could be a day where buses are delayed.
over 1 year ago, Rodney Kay
We are aware of incoming weather. Once again, it appears it will be in our area around dismissal. Student drivers at HCHS will be released at 2 pm. All other students may be picked up early with no attendance penalty should parents to choose to do so.
over 1 year ago, Rodney Kay
Thanks to all of the students, families and school staff for your hard work on improving attendance this year. We can tell from the data (see images with this post) that attendance is increased from last year. Keep it up! As we move into the last 9 weeks , we need to all work to finish this school year going strong!
over 1 year ago, Marianne Cole
Attn Data CES
Attn Data EES
Attn Data HES
Attn Data HMS
Attendance Data HHS
Please help the Heard County Development by participating in this brief survey. Access the survey by clicking the link below:
almost 2 years ago, Rodney Kay
The Class of 2027 REACH Scholars signed paperwork for their $10,000 scholarships and officially joined the school system's REACH program at the signing ceremony held November 1st at the GPAC. They will join the 20 high school REACH scholars who participate in this program which provides students with academic support from a school counselor and support from a assigned mentor in addition to dedicated scholarship funds. Pictures at the signing are students (front row) Riley Austin, Annley Cook, Christopher Gipson, Logan Shell, Riley Shelnutt and (back row) HMS principal Brian Hadley, Georgia Senator Matt Brass, Superintendent Rodney Kay, HHS counselor Becky Roberts, Associate Superintendent Mike Roberts, HMS counselor Justin McCullough, Assistant Superintendent Marianne Cole. Pictured separately are all REACH scholars in grade 8 - grade 12.
almost 2 years ago, Marianne Cole
REACH Class of 2027
Five-Year Tax Digest and M&O Levy FY23
about 2 years ago, Heard County School System
Five-Tax Digest and M&O Levy FY23
ATTENDANCE IS IMPORTANT -THE ACADEMIC IMPACT IS IMPRESSIVE! Last year in the Heard County School System- 1 in 5 students - 20% missing 15 or more days of school. We must do better for the 2022-2023 school year. As a reminder, there are consequences for poor attendance... * The parent who fails to comply with mandatory attendance requirements may be found guilty of a misdemeanor through the Magistrate Court. Upon conviction, the parent may be fined not less than $25, nor more than $100, imprisoned for 30 days, required to do community service, or any combination of such penalties. See Code Section 20-2-690.1(c). * • Upon returning to school, students must bring documentation stating the date and reason for absence with the signature of a parent/guardian (informal documentation), or a doctor, dentist, health center or court (formal documentation). The student and/or parent have the responsibility to present the written excuse within three (3) school days of the student’s return to school. The school administration will require formal documentation after five (5) absences from a class except for extreme mitigating circumstances such as a death in the family. The principal will resolve any question in determining whether an absence is excused or unexcused. *Excused and unexcused absences will result in the loss of full credit for class participation unless students arrange to make up the work within 3 school days of returning to school. The student must complete makeup work and tests within a reasonable amount of time. Let's all work for better attendance this year!
about 2 years ago, Marianne Cole
For the school year 2022-2023, Heard County is requesting all families to complete and submit a Free and Reduced Meal Application. The Free and Reduced Meal Application is easily accessed at or a paper form is available at all schools. Please complete an application as soon as possible.
about 2 years ago, Heard County School System
capture lunch
Thank you to all parents who have completed registration! Login to your parent portal and click forms and enrollment to complete registration if you still need to submit forms. If you are having trouble uploading your residency photo, choose actual size and small when uploading if using a phone. Open House will be August 1, 2022 if you have any additional questions about registration.
about 2 years ago, Sabrina South Thompson
uploading photo residency
Registration is now open for returning Heard County students. Login your parent Powerschool account and complete the forms. Here is a link for step-by-step directions if you need assistance. Help will also be available at Open House. *New students to Heard County will register at a later date.
about 2 years ago, Sabrina South Thompson
SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR 2022-2023 INCLUDING BACKPACK- FREE FOR ALL STUDENTS! Due to the availability of federal grant funds, Heard County Schools will be able to provide school supplies and a backpack with each student's ID holder for ALL students in grades PK-12th grade for the 2022-2023 school year. Parents will not need to purchase bookbags or school supplies for students for the upcoming school year. Supplies and backpacks will be distributed to students during the first few days of school. You can see the backpack for each school and a student ID holder in the picture. Grade levels within the school have different color ID holders that are labeled with their Graduating Class Year. We are pleased to be able to provide this service for one final school year and hope it is helpful to the families in the community.
about 2 years ago, Marianne Cole
Heard County Schools will open registration for next year July 18. You will need to be able access your Powerschool Parent Portal or create a new one. Here is a video on how to create an account. . Contact the school if you need the web ID and access password to create a new account. Be prepared early by making sure your can access your account now!
over 2 years ago, Marianne Cole
The 2 pm weather briefing from the National Weather Service has given us the following for tonight and into the morning hours of Friday 1. Temps are forecasted to remain above freezing 2. Precipitation should end around 3 to 3:30 today We will have regular school on Friday, January 21st. #OneBraveNation
over 2 years ago, Rodney Kay
updated outlook